Taking action for racial and economic equity.

KanVote Update: Report from Topeka


A KanVote Call to Action for Kansas Elected Leaders

The Kansas Legislature convened for a special legislative session. In response to widespread voter rights suspensions, over 100 people from around the state mobilized with KanVote for a day of action in the Capital.

Our Message was simple: With 1 in every 3 Kansas voter registrations blocked, approximately 2,000 suspensions each month, Kansas officials must act with urgency to resolve this crisis.

Throughout the day, suspended voters shared their stories alongside community leaders who  directly called on elected officials to resolve the current voter crisis brought on by the new voter registration restriction.

While there are varying options as to what the best solution to this crisis is, our call to action was uniform in it’s demand that state elected leaders take urgent action.

The day of action began with a press and legislative briefing followed by several onsite actions, and ended with an accountability session with the Office of the Kansas Secretary of State.


The Buck Stops Here!

From the first instance of a glitch in the implementation of new voter restrictions, to the most recent crisis of the widespread suspension of voter rights, Kansas officials have attempted to shirk responsibility in favor of a cowardly blame game. The fact is, this voter crisis was brought on as a result of the actions, and inaction, of our elected leaders. While we should hold our public servants accountable to their role in creating this debacle, we should also offer them a chance to redeem themselves by playing a role in the solution.

KanVote leaders called on the legislature, Governor Brownback, Attorney General Derek Schmidt, and Secretary of State Kris Kobach to apply their leadership to a solution that will stop the flow of voter suspensions and restore the democratic freedoms to over 15,000 suspended Kansas voters.