Sunflower Community Action

Worker Justice

Because undocumented workers are vulnerable, some companies steal immigrants’ wages, create unsafe workplaces, and threaten undocumented workers with deportation to reduce their labor costs.  Kansas courts have ruled that lack of documentation is not an excuse to withhold wages, but unethical employers count on threats to keep what they are doing out of sight.

In addition to stealing wages, unscrupulous employers also ignore worker safety precautions, which results in a high rate of injury.  A worker is “worthy of his hire”, and Sunflower is working with the state and federal departments of labor to bring justice to these workplaces.


What We’ve Done

  • Served as catalyst for a bill in the Kansas legislature that would create more incentive for employers to treat workers fairly;
  • Educated hundreds of Kansans about the need for greater worker justice.


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