Taking action for racial and economic equity.

Sunflower Community Action Stands Up for Immigrant Workers

Sunflower Community Action Stands Up for Immigrant Workers

Washington, D.C.-
The Communications Workers of America issued this statement on the action by Sunflower Community Action in Kansas, and the response by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach:

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach seems to have forgotten that the U.S. Constitution protects everyone’s right to free speech and the right to assembly.

The official was incensed when members of Sunflower Community Action rallied outside his house to support immigration reform, and left shoes behind to signify the families that have been broken apart by cruel immigration policies of the kind Kobach supports and has authored.

Kobach wasn’t home, but in a network news interview, he said, “It’s important we recognize there’s a reason we have the Second Amendment,” implying he might have used a weapon action against peaceful protesters.

Peaceful protest is the American way, and should never be met with the charges of “criminal terrorism” and “criminal threat” that Kobach has leveled.